Founder and CEO
Linda L. Barker

I am a native Austin born and reared here on the West-Side of Chicago. First job at the age of 15 years, was with the Department of Public-Aid located on Damen and Madison as an assistant with the food-stamps debt.
Upon the development of my family, I am the PROUD mother of 2 male sons; PROUD grandmother of 3 beautiful young ladies and one young man, who are the center of my life.
I returned to school went to Malcolm X obtained an AAS in Business Administration. Before graduation I applied for a position as a file clerk and a administration clerk with Department of Human Service (new Public Aid). I was a file clerk for 9 months then I applied for a case manager which is where my true journey began.
In working in this area, I saw too many unmet needs in our society. I was a field verifier an ADC worker an AABD worker and a Food-stamp manager. After 23 years of dedicated service to the community I decided to step out on FAITH and develop a means of being better able to serve the community. All the need for the underserved was at my fingertip so I worked beyond the call and put my whole heart and soul in my objective; that was to provide a holistic approach to self-sufficiency. Even though my degree had nothing to do with my endeavors, it did open some doors for me.
All my education was provided on the West-Side of Chicago. I am a dedicated community activist on the West-Side of Chicago. Today I am not a person who needs community approval because of the many challenges I meet.
I am the founder of a non-for-profit organization that has been in existence since 2001 and received our 501-C# in 2003.
Since then, we have moved forward in the areas of unmet needs just to name a few: "It's All About You" - a work shop designed to re-construct self-worth, rebuild individual self-esteem and assist in the development of goals. This service is provided to all gender race and creed in need. "Your Money Matters" - a financial literacy program designed to assist individuals with knowledge to assist themselves in correcting bad decisions with their credit or errors created by others.
This program has been in existence since 2006 at that time the program was certified through HSBC. This is just another method to assist individuals with re-construction of self-worth.
"Sista's of the hood"- has many hats and is a part of many other organizations within the Austin Community. We provide our work-shops to former offenders whom resides in transitional facilities. We work with families of Domestic-Violence with various tools to regain or construct self-sufficiency for the household head.