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To revitalize the strength and drive of our Citizens of this Elite group in making positive changes for the individuals that will accept and follow positive directions.

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"You are not a Senior you are Seasoned Stay Tuned"

Seasoned Citizens Members

Beulah Horton-Jordan

Shirley Wilson

Constance Barker

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As the elderly population grows in Illinois and across our nation, protecting seniors continues to be one of the most important responsibilities of various agencies. Far too often, scam artists perceive senior citizens as vulnerable and relatively wealthy due to their ability to access retirement accounts and pensions. As a result, seniors are a frequent target of a wide range of consumer fraud scams. The Agencies must be held accountable for protection of Illinois Seasoned Sitizens by taking legal action against those who prey on seniors.
Working as a community advocate eliminates the disparity that Seasoned Citizens go thru without the awareness of the many methods of abuse elevated against us. We began to reach out for methods to assist our citizens with opportunity to assist them and others as well.

We collaborated with many agencies in the past to make a difference for our populations in our community.


We have participated in many programs for our Seasoned Sitizens and linked with programs to provide computer training for those interested. We provided a Seasoned Group at the Austin Community Center where Seasoned Sitizens had an opportunity to create quilts for premature babies at children’s hospital.


We are the chairperson for the Domestic Violence Sub Committee for the 15th Police Department and have re-constructed our programs to move to the next level. We are now linking Domestic Violence members with agencies that are in our community.


Seasoned Sitizens has created linkage and support of the collaborating agencies to provide detailed work-shops that cover many areas of abuse and provide informational packets to assist the Seasoned Sitizens. Our skit programs bring awareness to many disparities that we face and don’t not know we are victims.


We provide resources, services and information for our population.


While we are a non-for-profit organization and our successes derives from donations and contracts to provide our services.


If this is a project you would like to present to your residents or participants of your program please give us a call at 773-858-4453 leave us a message and we will provide further detail.

Seasoned Sitizen’s Association
Seasoned Sitizens derived from Sista’s of the Hood in 2009.

**Increasing Life Spans for Seniors**

Our First Elderly Senior Sista

Mrs Powell

Our First Elderly Senior Sista (born September 8, 1904

Homegoing date 2004. She always gave parables lived by the bible verse John 3:16 ("For God so loved the world, He gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life"). Mrs. Powell mothered nine children, eight boys, one daughter and one adopted daughter.

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Seasoned Diva's Coming

Creating awareness, education and empowering our Seniors

Square Stage


Prayer 1


When you speak this with the Authority you are given by Our Lord You take on ownership of its existence.


In Jesus’s Name, every morning when we arise, we expect divine favor to go before us and surround us as with a shield of Goodwill and pleasures forevermore.


Doors are now open for us that men say were impossible to open.


No obstacle can stop us, no hindrance can delay us.

In Jesus Name we are honored by our father as we receive genuine Favor that comes directly from Him. We are special to him; we are the object of his affection.


We are blessed and highly favored of the Lord, in Jesus name.


Amen- Amen- Amen.

SOTH 2010
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Grand Ma Cures


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Sista's of The Hood

P.O. Box 6071

Broadview, Illinois 60155

Contact # 773-858-4453


Cash App: $sistasofthehood


Help Us by Donating

all donations are tax deductible

Sistas of the Hood is a 501(c)(3) under federal tax guidelines. In good standing

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